Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo(meee..)
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Aries
Fiery signs do lift your spirits up and give you courage but Aries?... too brash, too abrasive, too self centred and too careless of your tender sensitivities. You are not concerned with your vanities but you do not understand their driving, competitive need to be first all the time. You certainly object to the way they tramp straight across anyone or thing that gets in their way. Your more refined approach to life requires a gentler mate. Having a bright, agile mind you never quite understand their headlong rush to act often before engaging their brains. They never seem to consider the consequences of their actions whereas you endlessly do. Opposites can often help to give the other what they lack. So you do give them a practical grounding and can sort out a great many domestic and administrative tangles for them. They push you out of your cowardice insisting you get into life in a more wholehearted way. You should be a perfect foil for their "me first" approach to life considering your need to be of service but really you are so different you hardly exist on the same planet. You also object to their brutal honesty. A critic you may be but you are never keen on the analytical spotlight being put on you.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Taurus
Cosy, cuddly, warm and rather sensual, this is undoubtedly one of the better combinations for you. Taurus are wonderfully tactile and refuse to let you disappear up into your head. They are a rock and an anchor for your excessive worrying and nit picking. They stand solid while you race round in ever decreasing circles . Your flexibility is a help because their obstinacy makes them almost unbudgeable at times. But that very dislike of change in them offers you security. You could together be perhaps a shade lacking in fun, fire and spirit. You could work too hard, be too practical together or too unimaginative. The warmer side of earth is life giving but its colder end is tunnel visioned, slightly gross and rather leaden. Taurus can be a dictator and fairly power hungry which eventually could unsettle you since you never like fighting for supremacy. They also need very tangible gestures of affection. Their approach to love is more physical than some Virgos. But you do share a common outlook in life because you are both earthy and you share a myriad of similar interests in nature, plants, small animals, medicine.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Gemini
No one else will get a word in edgeways here since you are both the great communicators of the zodiac. A highly restless pair of real jitterbugs, you will never be at peace together but you will never be bored either. Your practicality will be a help to airy Gemini and their sense of fun and adventure will haul you out of your timidity and natural defensiveness. But you may not always appreciate their rather cavalier way of cutting corners emotionally and professionally. Honesty is not always a strong point with Gemini, nor is fidelity amongst the males. You are not supernaturally jealous but you are straightforward usually and dislike subterfuge and betrayal. You could end up feeling doormatted since Geminis will tend to leave you with the heavy end of the responsibilities. Since you have never been known to say no to work and are a bad delegator this could be a problem. It is a mix which slightly lacks feeling and could cool itself away to withering point with you nagging and them evaporating into thin air. Both of you talk about feelings rather than feel them. After the initial flurry they are not always interested in too much physical intimacy which is a problem since you are earthy and in need of a constant cuddle. They are social butterflies when it suits them which may not suit your more reclusive tendencies.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Cancer
A steady combination this with much resonance, similar interests and a sensitivity to the other's needs. You are practical, earthy, refined, highly strung and hard working while they are emotional, protective, highly domesticated but with a strong drive to succeed as well. It probably works better with Virgo lady to Cancer man since you are more evenly matched though you would probably nag them too much. Cancerian ladies tend to mature into stalwart matriarchs as the years progress and Virgo men , never the most courageous, can feel a little chewed up along the way. Both of you will be interested in setting up a happy home life. You are excellent at domestic details and Cancer have a genuine flair for home making that is second to none. Neither of you are brash, upfront personalities so you can protect each other's tender spots well. Both of you are rather jittery though in different ways. You get wound up in a nervy sense over trivia. They get over emotional about tiny hurts and slights. But you can probably balance each other's anxieties out though they may find you a little chilly with your analytic approach to emotions. What is perhaps lacking is a strong sense of humour between you or an adventurous streak. You need a fiery Moon between you to lift you up to greater heights.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Leo
Astrological lore has it that you dislike the sign before you or fear it. Leo is just prior to you and their rather desperate ego centredness is not your way for yourself in life but curiously your self effacing need to be of service does mean you can survive them better than most. Secretly you may even envy that barefaced grabbing for attention which you would never allow yourself. They are fire so come intact with a basic trust in life, a lively imagination and not much common sense. Your earthiness offers them practical guidance, a way of handling daily life with all its boring details which they loathe. They will certainly drag you out into life and especially onto the party scene which they adore and you normally try to avoid. There is a basic incompatibility in your outlook in life which will tell at some point though along the way you are both warm hearted and very straightforward. They can offer you security and an anchor for your endless, constant worries. Leos rarely bother to worry about the major things in life never mind the trivia which so obsesses you. They have a steady sexuality and your earthiness responds well to that if you are not too offput by their selfishness. They hate your tendency to criticise.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Virgo
Some signs do and some don't - get on with their clones. You would find yourselves worked and worried to a frazzle if you tried to coexist with another Virgo. You need someone to pull you away from your anxieties not find you a few more you had not already thought of. Your already workaholic tendencies would be emphasised and both of you would be constantly nit picking over the other's flaws. Feelings would freeze before they had a chance to breathe with both of you pouncing to analyse them. You work exceptionally well together, respect each other's conscientious approach, make good friends but you are not designed for the grander passions of life together. You need more fire, more faith, more adventure. Life would grind to a halt since both of you are nose deep in trivia and the tiny minutiae of everyday living and cannot see to the broad scale. You would need a Sagittarian Moon at least amongst you and that would just add to the generally restless feel. Initially you might feel that your refined earthiness gave you a chance of a good physical relationship but you need to be continually pulled out of yourself into a more wholehearted approach to life. With another Virgo you would end up constantly on the sidelines, spectating on life and commentating on it - but never really living it.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Libra
Sweet, refined, good natured pairing with both of you determined to suit the needs of the others. Virgo likes to serve and Libra always thinks of the other. You share similarly good tastes in friends, furnishings, clothes and cultural pursuits. They are more sociable so good for your reclusive streak. You are warmer and more practical so good for their rather detached way of handling love, life and relationships. It works less well as Libra lady with Virgo male since she can be brusquely sharp wounding his pride and make him retreat from full blooded involvement which is always the death knell for Virgo men since they end up parchment dry and rather resentful. There can be slight problems but only minor because of Libra's indecisive streak and Virgo's highly strung tendency to worry about everything in sight and a few imaginary things as well. At the end of the day it can be a slightly dry combination unless both halves work hard to keep the passion alive . Libra prefers to stay on the surface and Virgo withdraws onto the sidelines. It could all too easily become non physical.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Scorpio
This depends fairly and squarely on what kind of a Virgo you are. If you are fastidious, hygiene obsessed and rather prudish - forget it! Instantly! You will loathe Scorpio's muck raking tendencies, their compulsion to drag everything down into the depths , their need to live life as a constant passionate power struggle. But if you are a Virgo who like your mythological counterpart Persephone has descended into the underworld and found your inner depths then it can work well together. But you need to find a fairly worked out Scorpio. The only ones who can cope with a raw, intensely determined Scorpio is another one. Best leave them to it. They understand each other. So with all the ifs and buts it can work with a passionate Virgo and a refined Scorpio who is willing not to indulge in too many uinderhand tactics to win control. You bring them a light earthy warmth while they bring you a glimpse of the ecstasies beyond everyday life.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Sagittarius
A restless, talkative combination but one that works often very well indeed. You adore their cheerful optimism and envy their courage at taking risks in life and having faith that good luck is always on their side. They will teach you eventually to worry less unless you land with a real gambling Sag.which would be a disaster. You anchor them to the ground offering stability, practical common sense which they lack and a basic tact which they also lack. You may not always appreciate their blunt speaking which can prick your sensitivities but they are not malicious and never really mean harm. They just call a spade a spade and have an accident proneness about putting their foot firmly in their mouth, mainly because they rush so much. Together you rarely sit still and are not wonderfully good at changing ligfe together. Both of you are rather over adaptive, finding it difficult to hold your ground. But long running sulks are at least not a problem as long as you manage not to nag too much especially about their impractical side. Though if you do keep on you may find one day they just fly away. They hate being fenced in.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Capricorn
With only one real drawback, this can be the most marvellous combination. There is a natural affinity. Both of you are earthy, practical, hard working, well mannered, fairly traditional in outlook and rather reserved. Neither of you will embarass the other or make waves when duty calls. What can be a headache is the workaholic tendencies of both of you which can often pull you away from romance . Both of you feel slightly guilty about indulgences, relaxation and light hearted fun. Both of you can be slightly tunnel visioned about the practical affairs of life. You need to keep the flames of passion alight by giving yourself ( or forcing yourself to make ) time for love. It works marginally better as Virgo lady to Capricorn man since the energies are more evenly matched though he is even more likely than his counterpart to spend too many hours in the office. Since Virgo is fairly self sufficient this in itself is not an instant disaster. The other way round of Capricorn lady to Virgo man can make for a slightly less warm mating with her in executive control and him rather hen pecked.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Aquarius
On a compatibility range of one to ten this is about 0.5. You are warm, practical, good at helping people, sensitive to criticism, rather prudish socially and not keen on making a spectacle of yourself. They are cool, airy, rather eccentric, (sometimes very eccentric ), hideously honest since they always tell the truth no matter the consequences, and not very interested in close relationships. You can communicate well together since both of you have active, intelligent minds. But you just approach life from such different standpoints. In can appear to work at times because Virgo is fairly self sufficient and does not come across as over emotional, jealous or possessive but ultimately you would find it a little trying. Aquarius want friends, preferably en masse, not lovers in quiet moments. You like your own company and moments of peaceful romance as well. They know all about sex - in their heads - but prefer not too much physical contact. You like a good cuddle. But worst you will never settle to their way of totally disregarding convention and doing absolutely what suits them. You will cringe with embarrassment at what you see as social gaffes.
Sun Sign Compatibility for Virgo and Pisces
You fit easily into each other's lives with few ripples. Not all opposite signs attract. But both of you are naturally sympathetic, sensitive, adaptable, restless and share cultural interests. You are the more practical so can help Pisces a great deal in their everyday life. They have vision so can drag your nose out of the minutiae of life to see the broad scale and maybe the inspiration as well. Neither of you is good at holding your ground so sulks are not long lasting though you can as a pair do with more anchoring. You will find it difficult to institute changes together because both of you are natural followers not leaders. Pisces brings you romance since they have wonderful dream like imaginations and you bring them physical warmth but of a light enough character not to make them feel weighed down. You are self sufficient so will not mind them drifting off constantly into their inner worlds. Together with your earth and their water you make a highly creative couple.
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